When you hear the term “lame duck,” what do you think of? Probably something along the lines of an elected official finishing a term in politics, right? A lame duck is usually considered a negative reference since nothing gets done.
Well, at UglyDeck.com, we love a lame duck—the dance move, that is. In the tango, there is a move called the lame duck where the couple faces forward with clasped hands and steps forward into a dip. Spicy!
If your deck feels worn-out and you’re ready to add some variety to the daily dance, contact UglyDeck.com. As the go-to company of Minnesota deck builders known for giving facelifts to ugly outdoor decks, a strong increase in demand for our maintenance free decking has led to several additional franchise locations.
Now, in addition to our Shakopee, Minnesota, showroom, we have Minnesota franchise locations in Maple Grove, Rochester, and Mankato. UglyDeck.com also has a franchise location in Hudson, Wisconsin. It’s easier than ever to find a local team of professional deck builders who can help you with design ideas, material selection, and installation.

Choose Your UglyDeck.com Franchisee for Repair, Restoration, and More
UglyDeck.com offers a variety of outdoor deck services such as deck restoration, deck replacement, new maintenance free decks, and front porch designs. Work with our experts to select maintenance-free decking materials and services that create stunning outdoor living spaces.
If you have a passion for helping people and building beautiful outdoor decks, and if you are interested in expanding your business into a franchisee, contact UglyDeck.com today to learn more about joining. Our dance card has an opening for you.
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