Just because Labor Day is here doesn’t mean that outdoor fun has to end! Here are some fun outdoor activities for the whole family to enjoy on the deck and in your yard. Whether it’s spending time as a family or inviting a whole crew of people over, these outdoor activities are simple, fun, and a great way to spend any weekend in September.
Lawn Twister just requires a Twister spinning board, a circle stencil that is cut out of cardboard – a pizza box works great – and spray paint that washes off. Create a Twister board in the grass and let the fun begin!
Another fun activity for people of all ages is a DIY photo booth. Find a space on your deck and make a backdrop. You could hang up a patterned sheet, a large, empty picture frame, or anything else you can come up with. You could even have props for people to use, like sunglasses, hats, or funny signs. It won’t take much for people to have a great time with this activity!
To get everyone involved in a game, split your group up into teams and use an outdoor chalkboard to play a game of Pictionary on your deck. This is a great game for families and friends alike to play and is sure to be a ton of fun.
After the sun sets, grab a few water bottles and put glow sticks in them for glow-in-the-dark bowling pins. Use a soccer ball or kickball and set up your bowling alley.
If you need outdoor deck ideas or ways to update your deck, contact UglyDeck.com. The deck builders at UglyDeck.com can help you make your deck the ultimate party location for fall cookouts! Whether it’s upgrading deck railings, repainting a deck, or adding a pergola, the experts at UglyDeck.com can help make your deck the best place for games and fun all season long.
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